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We have a curated list of the most noteworthy news from all across the globe. With any subscription plan, you get access to exclusive articles that let you stay ahead of the curve.
We have a curated list of the most noteworthy news from all across the globe. With any subscription plan, you get access to exclusive articles that let you stay ahead of the curve.
We have a curated list of the most noteworthy news from all across the globe. With any subscription plan, you get access to exclusive articles that let you stay ahead of the curve.
Tapaktuan – Personel Pos Pengamanan (Pos PAM) Operasi Ketupat Seulawah 2025 Polres Aceh Selatan Polda Aceh melaksanakan patroli dan pengamanan di Tempat Pelelangan Ikan...
Meulaboh - Posko pelayanan Operasi Ketupat Seulawah 2025 Polres Aceh Barat mendapatkan kunjungan Tim Supervisi dari Biro Ops Polda Aceh.
Kunjungan dan pengecekan Pos operasi...
Kanit Regident Satlantas Polres Langsa Iptu Muhammad Rizky Ali, S.Tr.K, memimpin razia cipta kondisi (Cipkon) antisipasi gangguan Kamtibmas di wilayah hukum Polres Langsa yang...