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We have a curated list of the most noteworthy news from all across the globe. With any subscription plan, you get access to exclusive articles that let you stay ahead of the curve.
We have a curated list of the most noteworthy news from all across the globe. With any subscription plan, you get access to exclusive articles that let you stay ahead of the curve.
We have a curated list of the most noteworthy news from all across the globe. With any subscription plan, you get access to exclusive articles that let you stay ahead of the curve.
Kuala Simpang — Satreskrim Polres Aceh Tamiang akan menyelidiki penyebab kebakaran sumur minyak milik pertamina yang berlokasi di Bukit Tempurung, Kecamatan Kota Kuala Simpang,...
Kapolsek Idi Tunong Ipda Jasman, S.Sos. bergerak cepat bersama anggotanya mendatangi lokasi kebakaran rumah milik Hanafiah, (45 tahun) warga Dusun Meudang Jeumpa, Gampong Keumuneng,...
Bireuen - Kepolisian Resor Bireuen melibatkan Tim Labfor dari Polda Sumatra Utara guna menyelidiki penyebab terbakarnya Balai Pengajian Muhammadiya di Desa Sangso Kecamatan Samalanga,...